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How can I withdraw cash when there is no branch in another place?

In countries or regions without GSB bank branches, you can exchange the cash currency you need through the following methods:

1. GSB agency points: In some countries or regions that do not have GSB bank outlets, companies or individuals basically provide the function of face-to-face currency exchange. You can conduct face-to-face exchange through mobile banking to obtain the cash currency you need.

2. GSB transfer: If you and the recipient have GSB accounts, you can use the GSB transfer function or payment password function to transfer money, and then ask the recipient to provide you with the currency you need.

3. Large supermarkets: You can go to a local large supermarket and use the GSB transfer service to transfer money to the bank account designated by the recipient, and then ask the recipient to provide you with the currency you need.

4. Foreign currency exchange agencies: In some important scenes, such as airports, ports, foreign-related hotels, etc., there are usually foreign currency exchange agencies or facilities where you can exchange cash.

5. Personal exchange: You can also conduct face-to-face exchange with friends or strangers around you. You can easily exchange the cash currency you need anywhere in the world with a large number of people and an Internet connection.

It should be noted that these above methods may have certain handling fees, depending on the exchange method and institution you choose. When exchanging cash for currency, be sure to pay attention to safety and avoid exposing too much personal information in public places.