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National Wealth Management

The fixed income products we provide market making services and liquidity guarantees include (but are not limited to)

1. National debt
2. Policy bank bonds
3. Corporate bonds
4. Corporate bonds
5. Financial debt
6. Interbank certificate of deposit
7. Medium-term notes
8. Short-term financing bonds
9. Interest rate derivatives

Our advantage

1. Integrity and trustworthy team
2. Strong research support
3. The ability to price quickly and continuously
4. Quickly grasp information flow and market changes
5. Advanced trading concepts
6. Leading structural capabilities
7. Ability to utilize company resources
8. Rich market/product knowledge
9. Understand customer needs
10. Communicate with customers in a timely manner
11. Fixed income research

GSB Fixed Income Research provides objective analysis and trustworthy investment advice.
GSB Group's fixed income researchers located in major financial centers around the world think about what customers think and provide customers with timely, relevant and in-depth market information and research analysis.

The GSB fixed income research team works closely with experts from around the world to provide clients with reliable market wisdom.