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Debt insurance management

The bank debt insurance management measures mainly mean that banks purchase loan protection services from insurance companies in order to reduce loan risks. When a loan defaults, the insurance company will compensate the bank for its losses as agreed.
GSB banking follows these few steps:

1. Risk analysis
First, the bank needs to conduct an in-depth analysis of the debtor's financial situation, including the debtor's solvency, financial status, willingness to repay, etc. This can be done by reviewing the debtor's financial reports, credit history, and other information.

2. Risk classification
Banks classify debts based on the debtor's risk level. For example, banks may require higher collateral or stricter repayment plans for higher-risk debtors.

3. Risk control
Banks will take a series of risk control measures, such as limiting the debtor's borrowing amount or requiring the debtor to provide more collateral. In addition, banks will regularly review debtors' financial status to ensure that they can repay their debts on time.

4. Risk transfer
In order to reduce their own risks, banks may also choose to transfer some risks to third parties, such as purchasing insurance. This way, if the debtor is unable to repay the debt, the insurance company will bear a portion of the loss.

5. Risk response

When a debtor defaults, banks need to act quickly to minimize losses. This may include initiating collection proceedings, or pursuing legal action to recover the debt.