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How to open an account?

What you need to prepare to open an account with Global Speedy Bank may vary based on specific international or regional requirements, but here are some common required documents and steps:
Information required for account opening
1. Personal identity certificate: Usually you need to provide copies of your personal ID card and passport.
2. Proof of address: Such as utility bills, rental contracts, etc. to prove your residential address.
3. Company documents (if opening a company account): including business registration certificate, registration certificate, annual return, director’s notice, consent letter, etc.
4. Proof of business transactions: such as contracts, invoices, etc., to prove the company's business activities.
5. Credit certificate: It is usually necessary to provide proof of the company’s financial status, such as audit reports or financial statements.
6. Articles of Association: If you are opening a company account, you need to provide the company's memorandum of organization and articles of association.
7. KYC form: The "Know Your Customer" form, used to collect customer identity information and risk assessment.
8. Business documents: You may need to provide the company's business documents, such as lease contracts and employee employment contracts.
Account opening process
1. Make an appointment for account opening: First, you need to contact the bank manager of Global Speedy Bank to make an appointment for a specific account opening time.
2. Submit the account opening application form: Fill in the account opening application form and provide all the above required materials.
3. Identity verification: The bank will review the submitted materials and conduct identity verification.
4. Deposit startup capital: Deposit a certain amount of startup capital according to the bank's requirements to activate the account.
5. Video account opening: The bank may arrange a video conference to complete the account opening process.
6. Account activation: After the bank confirms receipt of the activation payment, the account will be activated, and you will receive account information and an online banking encoder.
Please note that these specific requirements may vary by country or region, so before proceeding, it is recommended that you contact Global Speedy Bank directly for the most accurate and up-to-date account opening guidelines and requirements. Additionally, account opening requirements may differ if you are a non-Swiss resident or non-Swiss citizen, so it is best to check with Global Speedy Bank to determine specific requirements.