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Institutional Wealth Management

Understand the risks and rewards
Let’s start with the basics, understanding the correlation between risk and reward. Generally speaking, risk refers to the possibility of loss during investment, while return is the standard used to measure investment performance. Investments with high returns generally carry relatively high risks. Every investor is a different individual. Some investors may be willing to take a relatively high risk of market volatility, while others may be relatively conservative. We will develop a rigorous investment strategy based on your risk tolerance.

Know your risk tolerance
We understand that everyone has different levels of risk tolerance. Your risk tolerance may be affected by:
1. Current international events
2. Your investment experience
3. Your existing views on saving and investing

Our advisors will listen to your needs, understand your risk tolerance and factors that influence your decision-making process, and then help you make an informed investment decision. We will work with you to develop a comprehensive investment plan, considering your long-term and short-term needs.

Build an asset allocation portfolio
We understand that investment performance will vary over the long term. By building a diversified portfolio, you can offset the risk of market fluctuations.
What is the key to building a well-diversified investment portfolio? The answer is asset allocation. This involves:
1. Choose the type of investment product that best suits you
2. Allocate investment products in an optimal way
3. Choose different asset classes, including stocks, bonds, funds, cash management tools and alternative investments, etc.