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Sustainable and impact investing

Sustainable investment refers to taking into account the impact of investment behavior on society and the environment while pursuing investment returns, aiming to achieve a win-win situation for the economy, society and the environment. Here are some of our practices for sustainable investing:

1. Understand the meaning and importance of sustainable investing
First, you need to understand the meaning and importance of sustainable investing. This includes understanding what ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors are and why they are critical to investment success.

2. Set clear investment goals
Before you start investing, you should set clear investment goals. These goals should include both expected financial returns and the desired social and environmental impact.

3. Research and select investment targets
In the process of selecting investment targets, in addition to considering the company's financial status, growth potential, industry prospects and other factors, the company's ESG performance also needs to be considered. Good ESG performance often means that a company is better able to adapt to environmental and social changes, and has higher competitiveness and innovation capabilities.

4. Continuously monitor and evaluate investment results
Investment is not a one-time act, but a process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. This includes not only the financial return on investment, but also the social and environmental impact of the investment. If it is found that the investment target does not meet expectations, or has adverse social and environmental impacts, the investment strategy should be adjusted in a timely manner.

5. Partner with like-minded investors and organizations
Sustainable investing is a growing area and there are many other investors and organizations actively pursuing sustainable investing. By working with them, resources and information can be shared to jointly promote the process of sustainable investment.

In general, sustainable investment needs to take into account both economic and social benefits, and contribute to the sustainable development of society through wise investment decisions.