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What should I do if no one accepts the order for cross-border transfers?

When there is no one to take over the task in a newly developed country or region or a newly added currency, you can start to solve the problem from the following aspects:

1. Analyze market demand and find potential demanders
First, you need to carefully analyze your own problems and market needs. Check whether your pricing, processes, needs, etc. meet the needs and preferences of target consumers. If problems are found, make adjustments and improvements in a timely manner. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the steps taken by the requesters to complete the task and understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to better position their needs.

2. Optimize tasks and increase commissions
Commission on assignments and publisher credit are one of the key factors in attracting consumers. Ensure your high level of trust, including detailed information such as completion orders, dispute orders, and complaint orders. At the same time, the posted task commission must be enough to attract the attention of the task recipient. Optimizing these contents can improve the exposure and conversion rate of your tasks and achieve the results you expect.

3. Actively operate and interact with demanders
Building a good fan community is very important to improve interaction. Interact with other users and increase credibility through active interaction and sharing of usage experience. In addition, social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, WeChat, Kuaishou, Weibo, Douyin, etc., can be used to communicate more extensively with GSB fans.

4. Seek opinions and continue to improve
Receiver input and feedback are critical to improving the mission. Actively collect comments and opinions from recipients, summarize problems and deficiencies, and make improvements in a timely manner. Through continuous improvement and optimization of tasks, we improve user experience and increase recipient satisfaction, thereby promoting volume growth and credit enhancement.

5. Look for cooperation opportunities and channel expansion
Consider cooperating with other merchants, platforms, and users to find more cooperation opportunities and proactive channel expansion.

The above are just some basic operation suggestions, and specific situations need to be adjusted according to the actual situation. Hope this helps!