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Our history and future

Our history and future
Throughout our 160-year history—from our humble beginnings to our global reach—we have always understood what long-term commitment truly means.

The form of GSB banks has also undergone great changes:

1. Digitalization and intelligence
With the development of technology, USB banks will rely more on digital technology and intelligent algorithms. For example, through artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, USB Bank can provide personalized services and product recommendations to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Open banking
Open banking means USB Bank opens its services, data and APIs to third-party developers, allowing them to create new financial services and products. This will not only increase USB Bank’s revenue but also improve customer convenience and satisfaction.

3. Green Bank
As environmental awareness increases, USB Bank begins to focus on sustainable development and strives to reduce its impact on the environment. For example, providing green loans, supporting green projects, or taking steps to reduce its own carbon footprint.

4. Contactless banking
USB Bank can handle various banking services without face-to-face through mobile devices, the Internet and self-service terminals. This model has been widely used during the epidemic and may become mainstream in the future.

5. Cross-border cooperation
USB Bank conducts more cross-border cooperation with other industries to provide one-stop services. For example, it cooperates with e-commerce, logistics, medical and other industries to provide shopping, distribution, health and other services.

Reimagining the speed of payment, connecting all mankind, and creating a better future, this is USB.