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Investing in progress together

A trustworthy partner

We proactively partner with you to provide you with the right insights, concepts and expertise to enable you to make informed decisions.

Our solutions
Whether you are looking for a specific investment strength, looking for a customized investment solution, or want to learn more about a specific investment topic, we can provide you with the answers you need.

Global resource integration
Our clients benefit from our local team offices located around the world and their expertise.
Our local teams around the world are dedicated to developing innovative ideas and using passive, active and thematic strategies at global, regional and individual country levels to help you achieve your investment objectives.

global investment
Our investment experts have deep expertise. They operate dynamically in small teams, delivering a broad range of strategies to meet the changing needs of their clients. From quant to growth to intrinsic value strategies, our goal is to deliver predictable results in an increasingly volatile and challenging world.

Sustainability is an integral part of our investment process
We are one of the fastest growing managers of sustainable investing strategies in the world and we integrate sustainable investing metrics into all our investment strategies to enable you to achieve sustainable results.

Under global integration, insist on choosing globalization
Offers comprehensive fixed income strategies globally. Our goal is to provide the best investment solutions to meet our clients' needs.

Comprehensive strategy with global coverage
Strategies span a range of global fixed income asset classes, including flexible, unrestricted, omnibus and corporate bonds. Maintain a low to moderate level of correlation with the portfolio against a benchmark

Regional and individual country strategies
Covers emerging markets, Asia, China, regional strategies, investing in government bonds and corporate bonds

Sustainable, indexed and themed
Covering climate awareness, indexing, themed fixed income strategies

Our platform offers a diverse range of hedge fund strategies and solutions across global markets.

Actively managed multi-asset solutions tailored to your risk appetite