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Cybersecurity in times of crisis – stay vigilant

Announcement 2000-06-05 21:04:33
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, cybercriminals have sadly taken advantage of times of crisis and world events as opportunities to obtain your information through phishing attacks and other methods.

Here are some points to consider for staying secure online during times of crisis:

Be wary of phishing emails and fake phone calls. Some scams may use emotion and urgency to cite crisis situations or global events to trick you into replying or clicking on a link. Before sharing any information with someone you don't know, check the authenticity of the request. If you have any questions, do not click on any links, download any attachments or provide information over the phone.

Donate through official channels. Some scams may pose as fake charities and ask you to donate money. If you would like to donate to a charity, it is best to do so by visiting the charity's official website or calling a known written number.

Stay safe online. Consult only known, reputable sources for the latest crisis updates, and use multi-factor authentication when possible. Do not click on advertising links.

Remember: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is!